Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We don't want your Valentine's Day to be filled with the stresses of finding the perfect gift, or the perfect shade of red rose. We've compiled some fun love facts, chocolate fortunes, a mixtape for the romantically uninclined, and some spoofs of love humor that you can share with friends and loves alike! The Facts of Love. This might be more than you ever thought you could possibly know about Valentine's Day. Impress your date! Win that round of Trivial Pursuit on singles' night! Become even more chock-full of useless knowledge. You can thank us later

by O.co via


1 comment:

  1. Valentine's Day.Young people like the day.
    Of course, I am also a young man.
    Thank you for sharing.
    A year to prepare a lot of gifts.
    Not just Valentine's Day.
    Need couples watches..
